Monday, July 11, 2011


i love u more than words
i asked u not to leave me before
i will never let u go
because that time
i can't see the right person to take care of u
but now
she appears in your life again and gives u smile 
that i never seen when u date with me
she makes you laugh louder than i would give
she did whatever you wanted from me after all
i'm trying to fulfill your need and want slowly
but u go for her after all
i will keep trying to live as usual
as i didn't see what you both have done
i don't deserve you as her
you deserve nothing less
if she is the one 
just go get her and stick to one 
because all i wanted is to see u laugh
im happy to see u happy
just let me be and i'm okay.

by : Shila Suhaimi

.::abOut mE::.

My photo
Putrajaya, Malaysia
im nobody

.::Let's check this out::.

Hello there! Let me intro myself first. Dalam ic nama aku NUR ASILAH SUHAIMI but everyone out there call me shila. Lately, i found out yang aktiviti berblogging ni sangat sesuai dengan jiwa aku sekarang. Kalau sebelum ni aku lagi prefer berfacebooking but sekarang ni aku takde jiwa la kat FB tu. Drop by pon kejap-kejap je...hehe!

Dalam mencari diri sendiri ni banyak perkara baru yang aku jumpa. Mungkin dengan menulis di sini aku rasa puas dengan diri aku yang selama ni kelam mencari konklusi. Kerana secara lisannya, mungkin aku agak sukar untuk meluahkan kata-kata. Segala rasa yang dialami akan dicoretkan di sini untuk kepuasan diri dan tatapan bersama. Bingkisan mereka juga amatlah dihargai. Konklusinya, dengan rasa rendah diri saya mengalu-alukan ketibaan dan perkongsian rasa anda ke halaman ini.