Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Its Melaka time! Dah lama kot aku nak pegi jalan-jalan kat Melaka ni. Though Melaka and Putrajaya taklah jauh mana kan. It takes about 2 hours to reach there. Finally, u took me there friend. Before this aku pegi atas urusan kerja. We went to jalan-jalan at tempat menarik but the peeps at that time wasn't as cool as yours. 

What a wonderful week! I had been at Melaka the whole week with no regrets! To you and family, thanks for a great treating. I heart u guys so much. The kids are cool. They are really make me smile. The mom so lovely. She was trying hard to full my tank and buy all the things i need for my cook. And absolutely the food. Its pretty cool man! My tank never feel any space inside. They were so yummy! The abah is so caring. We eat together as a family. I just love that. And the greatest ones. The sisters. I am so glad to have them all because i don't have any. The brothers are so quiet but i know they like me so much. Wahhh!

Last but not least is the friend. It is YOU. You took me everywhere. Here and there without any sigh. Show me the amazing world of  the historical city. You are the BFF ever. Thanks for being kind and honest to me. I envy of u because u have them all. The family, the happiness, the laugh and the smile. U got the world that i wanted after a long time. 


Bicarasikacamata : Menyimpan angan-angan ke New Zealand bersama yang tersayang. 


Morning all! Hari ni merupakan hari ke-2 aku duduk di kerusi empuk nih. Haih, da nama pon empuk kan so dia membuat aku sangat selesa dan mata mula terasa berat. Masih awal pagi. Mungkin sebab tido aku ta lena malam tadi. I don't even know why. Yang aku tau pasti aku akan terjaga malam dan dapat rasa mata aku ta lelap pon. Rasa macam terlelap 5-10 minit then terjaga balik. Dah 2 malam macam ni. Insomnia. How lah! Macam mana aku nak jalani daily routine aku cam biasa. 

Now da start keje and dah ada komitmen. Oh! Mata sila beri kerjasama okay? Bak kata Benjamin Franklin; The best of all medicines is resting and fasting. So do i. Mungkin sebab otak ni ta boleh berhenti berfikir kot. Banyak sangat benda nak fikir. Tu yang macam susah nak tido tu. Nak kacau orang nanti rasa cam selfish plak. Sigh. Dengan harapan malam ni aku dapat mimpi yang indah. Hope.

Bicarasikacamata : Berilah ruang untuk bahagia. Mereka juga manusia. 

.::abOut mE::.

My photo
Putrajaya, Malaysia
im nobody

.::Let's check this out::.

Hello there! Let me intro myself first. Dalam ic nama aku NUR ASILAH SUHAIMI but everyone out there call me shila. Lately, i found out yang aktiviti berblogging ni sangat sesuai dengan jiwa aku sekarang. Kalau sebelum ni aku lagi prefer berfacebooking but sekarang ni aku takde jiwa la kat FB tu. Drop by pon kejap-kejap je...hehe!

Dalam mencari diri sendiri ni banyak perkara baru yang aku jumpa. Mungkin dengan menulis di sini aku rasa puas dengan diri aku yang selama ni kelam mencari konklusi. Kerana secara lisannya, mungkin aku agak sukar untuk meluahkan kata-kata. Segala rasa yang dialami akan dicoretkan di sini untuk kepuasan diri dan tatapan bersama. Bingkisan mereka juga amatlah dihargai. Konklusinya, dengan rasa rendah diri saya mengalu-alukan ketibaan dan perkongsian rasa anda ke halaman ini.